Friday, September 22, 2006

Who Are UndGretel?

Birgit, who is working in London’s art world, has studied art history, media and the political, with a focus on gender and queer topics, in Leipzig and Utrecht. Since being a teenager she has been a music lover, always enjoying different styles, never fitting in one scene. Now her anger about patriarchal structures in the art and music world, who are pretending to be “oh so progressive”, has built up to a boiling point, she now has to release her negative energies by turning them into positive action by organising undGretel?

Leanne is involved in the project because she is tired of the way women are sidelined in the arts, but loves a good dance and live music. She is also interested in the possibilities that can arise through collaboration and is always looking for ways in which she can work together with artists from different disciplines who have a common ground.

Sam is an artist interested in how women are represented in all areas of the arts. Her artwork doesn't always take the form of a specific object preferring to make work that is process led and evolves from and involves the audience. UndGretel? is an extension of her practice, highlighting the diverse roles of women in both music and art, the Workingmen’s club acts as an open arena, taking these issues out of the closed confines of the gallery space.

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